Warding as a Top Laner in League of Legends

Do you play League of Legends as a Top Laner and struggling with the climbing the Elo Leagues? That is because you are not aware enough, early game is the most important phase of a game for such a solo lane. And that is why you could never give yourself a chance to lose it. Additional wards (or just wards in the right place) could save you and tell if a jungler is going to kill you. League of Legends is a snowballing game and most of the success depends on the early game. You need to constantly apply pressure to the enemy and that is why he could ask for help. If you will not notice a Jungler that is approaching you, then you will be most likely dead. One death is a mistake, but two and more deaths is a pure throwing. Do not let yourself die even once at the lane, always be ready to retreat if the smallest threat is approaching to you. If you will learn it, then you will be able to climb as efficiently as boosters form the https://boosteria.org.

Wards on the Top Lane if you are even

That is why vision is so important in this game - it would let you know that the enemy is close and you need to play more safely. There are not many valuable positions for the wards, after all, you are standing on the top lane where only two exit points are available - to the river and to the jungler. Warding as a Blue Top Laner should be next:

top lane ward league of legends

Look at your matchup and choose the right vision tool - Control Ward or Trinket Ward. The best place for a ward is in the river bush that is closest to your lane. In almost every matchup you will start your way from the placing a Green ward in these bushes during the laning stage, but if you want to push the lane you need to think about switching the place of a ward. The best possible place, in this case, is to use a Control Ward in the Top Lane River Bush. But if you are using the advanced Freezing technique or just play quite even, then the Control Ward in this place would be useless.

The reason is simple - the enemy will quickly destroy it and you will not be able to prevent him from doing this action. This is a ward that needed to be considered as useless and ineffective, it just would not survive for too long. But if you will be able to efficiently fight against him, then you must fight for the vision dominance in the river. The deeper you place it, the more effective it will be, simply just because it will be alive for longer. Never place Control Ward in the Top Lane bush in the river if you are not pushing or unable to fight the enemy, place a trinket ward here instead.

Moreover, I highly don’t recommend to place any Control Wards in the bushes of the enemy, otherwise, they will destroy it in a second. It will be considered as an extremely ineffective ward if it won’t last for long and enemy annihilate it.

Top 3 bushes are the worst places for wards, in the most match-ups, they will not provide any useful intel for you. Try to avoid placing wards in these positions, but only if the situation would not require such an action. The only reason that could force you to place a ward here is if an enemy has champions that could use these bushes to ambush you, just like Rengar, or if you are too close to have 2 stacks in your trinket. If you have an alternative, you need to place ward somewhere else.

Wards on the Top Lane if you are behind

The whole warding situation will be changed in the case if you have an extremely bad matchup and enemy is pushing you under Tier 2 Turret. This is the best warding positions in this case:

Top Lane Warding LoL if you are behind

If you want to farm quite safely, then you need to make sure that your jungle is warded heavily enough and that these wards protect you. Your jungle must be warded bot only for your safety, but also for the Jungler’s safety too. Such wards would give your team a ton of useful intel about where are an enemy at this exact moment. Everybody will see if a top laner decide to leave the Lane and roam a little. These wards will tell if an enemy would love to rotate the lane, farm a little in a jungle or to help with the Rift Herald.